St. Paul’s funds its work primarily through pledges and donations from our members and friends. We are grateful for every gift.
You can contribute financially to St. Paul’s in many ways.
St. Paul’s accepts online donations through PayPal via credit card or PayPal account.
- You can set up a recurring credit card payment through PayPal for your annual pledge or other donations, to ensure your pledge is always up-to-date.
- Be sure to choose if your gift is a pledge payment, one-time donation, or other gift. You may add a comment with further information before submitting your donation.
- Please consider increasing your donation by $2-3, to cover our transaction fees with PayPal (currently 2.2% plus $0.30 for nonprofits).
- If you are not a regular parishioner, please check the box to share your mailing address with the parish, so we can acknowledge your gift for tax purposes.
Click the button below to make your payment.
- Mailed by you: Checks can be mailed to the church or dropped in the offering plate when in-person worship services are held.
- Mailed by your bank: Many banks offer direct check payments through their online customer portals; check with your bank for their options. You may be able to set up a recurring check payment through your bank, to ensure your pledge is always up-to-date.
Checks should be payable to St. Paul’s Episcopal Church and sent to us at 100 Pine Hill Road, Bedford, MA 01730. Be sure to note in the memo line if your gift is a pledge payment, one-time donation, or other gift.
BY CASH: St. Paul’s accepts cash in the offering plate when in-person worship services are held. Please note that pledge payments cannot be made in cash, unless you are using a pledge envelope so your gift can be recorded.