St. Paul’s invites you to the observance of a holy Lent.
Ash Wednesday, March 5, 2025
Holy Eucharist in the Sanctuary at 7:30pm
Ash Wednesday marks the beginning of the season of Lent, and a time to reflect upon the fragility of our own lives and of all life. The service will feature the Holy Eucharist with sermon, choir, and ashes.
Lenten Hunger Awareness 2025
Lenten Food Collection March 9 to April 13
The Outreach Committee is sponsoring a collection of non-perishable foods, household and hygiene products for the Middlesex Community College’s (MCC) food pantry, and monetary donations aimed at hunger relief for Bedford’s Food Pantry and Billerica’s Community Pantry. Contact Sharon Healey with any questions.
- For monetary donations: You can write a check to St. Paul’s with “Food Pantry” in the memo and place on the collection plate, or donate online using the “Lenten Food Collection” option in the drop-down menu.
- For tangible item donations: Please pick up a bag in the narthex after church with an attached list of suggested items that are especially useful. Drop off items in the labeled collection boxes in the narthex.
Hunger Awareness Sunday and Offering of Letters, March 9
Our worship service on March 9 will include special prayers and music, and a message from parishioner Colin Bradford, focused on God’s call to feed the hungry and provide for their needs. The Hunger Awareness Offering of Letters is conducted in conjunction with our Lenten Food Collection. See more details in the March Epistle, or contact Sue Swanson.
Devotional Resources Online
- “Life Transformed: The Way of Love in Lent”
The Episcopal Church’s Way of Love, expressed in a single page calendar where each day during Lent focuses on one of the Seven Ways of Love.
“Sustainable Shift: A Carbon Fast for the Earth
Another calendar, this one focused on living sustainably. From Green Anglicans, the Anglican Church of Southern Africa Environmental Network.
Daily Meditations from Episcopal Relief & Development. Sign up here for daily emails:
“40 Days of Welcome and Gratitude” – From the United Thank Offering and Episcopal Migration Ministries. Sign up here for a daily text message:
“Come to the Table” – a weekly devotional from Bread for the World. It includes scripture, reflections, spiritual practices, and opportunities to gather around God’s table.
Pysanky Decorating Workshop, April 12
Join us from 2:00pm to 5:00pm for the decoration of Easter eggs in the Ukrainian tradition of pysanky. Throughout the centuries Ukrainian families have gathered together after supper by candlelight to apply Christian symbols and motifs on eggs during Lent. All are welcome, including children over five years of age. For more information and to sign up, please contact Ginny Bradford.
Who will win the Golden Halo? LENT MADNESS Has Begun!
Each year in Lent, The Episcopal Church holds our own version of “March Madness,” featuring many of the Saints that we commemorate in our calendar. This year, 32 saints have been placed into a bracket, to face off in daily “head to head” competition – conducted online by popular vote! Every member of the parish is invited to learn more about this years’ 32 Saints and to complete your own bracket, by picking up a booklet in the Narthex. Completed brackets must be received by Emily Mitchell by Ash Wednesday, March 5, as the competitions begin on March 6. Whichever bracket earns the most points through the tournament will be crowned the St. Paul’s winner and receive a prize on Easter Sunday. You can vote for your favorite Saint each day in Lent by visiting LENTMADNESS.ORG.