“Do not neglect to show hospitality to strangers, for by doing that some have entertained angels without knowing it.” –Hebrews 13:2 (NRSV)
Welcome to St. Paul’s! We are glad you are interested in worshipping with us. Below are some common questions you may have in advance of your visit. If there’s anything you want to know that isn’t listed below, please don’t hesitate to contact us.
What is St. Paul’s all about?
We were delighted to partner with our friend, Rabbi Susan Abramson at Temple Shalon Emeth in Burlington for an episode of her online and cable series, “Spiritually Speaking.” The episode, which runs about 25 minutes, is a great introduction to the Episcopal Church in general and to St. Paul’s in particular.
Where is St. Paul’s?
100 Pine Hill Road, Bedford, MA 01730
From Interstate 95/128, take Exit 49B (old 31B) for Routes 4/225 toward Bedford. This is Bedford Street in Lexington, which becomes Great Road in Bedford. Take this street about three miles toward Bedford Center. Just past the Marshall’s/Whole Foods shopping plaza, take a right on Hillside Avenue. Take Hillside to the four-way stop and turn left on Pine Hill Road. St. Paul’s Church is up the hill on your left, at 100 Pine Hill Rd. If you’re coming from west of Bedford, Pine Hill Road intersects with North Road, about a quarter mile from the church.
Where should I park?
Our parking lot includes about 30 spaces in the front of the church, including two accessible spaces. There is additional (marked) parking behind the parish hall and (unmarked) head-in along the side driveway on the gravel. You may also park along Dana Road (just on one side of the street) or in the Heritage Drive cul-de-sac, both of which are just a short walk to the church. We do not advise parking on Pine Hill Road.
What time are the services?
From September through mid-June, our Sunday morning service of Holy Eucharist is at 10:00am, with Sunday School beginning at 9:45 most weeks. During summer time (last Sunday of June through August), our Sunday service shifts to 9:00am, and there is no Sunday School. We also have Morning Prayer at 8:30am and Compline at 8:30pm on most Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays throughout the year, via Zoom.
How long does the service last?
Our Sunday morning service typically lasts between one hour and one hour, fifteen minutes. High holiday services, such as Easter Sunday, Christmas Eve, or baptisms, may last a little longer. Our weekday Morning Prayer and Compline services are 10-15 minutes long.
When should I arrive?
During the school year, we advise arriving by 9:45am on Sundays to find parking, stow your coat, and get settled in the sanctuary.
How do I get around the building?
From the parking lot, you’ll enter the narthex (the “lobby” of the church). The sanctuary is through the large double doors to your right. A coat rack is to the left ahead of you, just around the corner from our narthex display. Restrooms, Sunday School classrooms, and the nursery are located along the main hallway, to your left. The parish hall is at the end of the hallway. All of the spaces used on Sunday mornings are on a single level and accessible for people using wheelchairs or other mobility devices.
Is there nursery care or Sunday School for my children?
We are not currently offering nursery care during services, but the library is available as a “wiggle room” during the service for those who need a break from the sanctuary. Our livestream broadcast on the large library TV, and toys and books available for your use.
- Catechesis of the Good Shepherd is a Montessori-based curriculum for children from age three to kindergarten. They meet in the two atria classrooms off the parish hall. There are two classes, each with a lead Catechist and at least one assistant: Catechesis I is for younger children, and Catechesis II for older children.
- Kairos, or Sunday School, for children in grades one through five is held in the classrooms along the main hall.
- All children join their parents in the sanctuary for Communion. Teachers will escort the children into the sanctuary; you do not need to retrieve them yourself. For more information about Christian education at St. Paul’s, please visit our Christian Education page.
Is there coffee hour after church?
Coffee hour is served in the parish hall and/or outdoor courtyard immediately following the service. Please join us!
What should I wear?
St. Paul’s is a casual place, and we encourage you to come as you are. On any given Sunday you’ll find parishioners in sports coats and dresses, casual pants and sweaters, and jeans and T-shirts. We tend to dress fancier for major holidays (on Easter Sunday, many of our parishioners wear their finest hats and bonnets), but in general, we value your presence and your comfort over your style.
How can I get more information?
We encourage you to explore the rest of our website to learn more about life at St. Paul’s. When you visit us, please fill out a visitor card and say hello to our clergy. You can be placed on our mailing lists, to receive our weekly emails and monthly Epistles.
I have other questions.
Please feel free to call the church at 781-275-8262, contact the parish office at info@stpaulsbedford.org.